Building Digital Connections: A Growth Design Project at WW

Building Digital Connections: A Growth Design Project at WW

Building Digital Connections: A Growth Design Project at WW










Product Design

Product Design

Product Design




WeightWatchers International

WeightWatchers International

WeightWatchers International

Summary of Key Data Points

  • 75% of new members disengage from the WW app within the first two weeks.

  • Launched 19 chat groups with 500 new members in April 2023.

  • 36% of members never accessed their assigned chat group.

  • Initial enthusiasm dwindled by the third week, leading to inactive groups.

  • Introduced WW coaches in six additional groups, but engagement did not significantly improve.

  • Chat groups were limited to 25 members to foster intimacy.

  • Chat feature was introduced on day three of the new member onboarding process.

  • Collaborated with three other teams while managing shifting priorities and constraints.


How can we bring the supportive and engaging community of Weight Watchers meetings into a digital space that fosters strong connections and helps members achieve their goals together? This was the challenge I embraced as the lead designer on a project aimed at translating the in-person camaraderie of WW into an online experience.


We discovered that 75% of new members stop tracking their food and disengage from the WW app within the first two weeks—a significant contributor to high customer churn. Life happens: busy work schedules, travel, caring for kids, or illness often lead members to drop off. When they struggle, they tend to blame themselves, shouldering feelings of shame and guilt.


To address this, our team launched an experiment introducing group chats within the WW app to help members build relationships and support each other. We believed that group chats could cultivate a sense of belonging and shared culture. If successful, we planned to phase out the app's social feed, Connect, shifting from individualized content consumption to a shared experience.

I collaborated closely with a product manager and engineering lead to estimate features and define the scope for our initial chat test. We coordinated across three other teams—chat, coach platform, and member identity—while managing shifting company priorities, technical constraints, and tight timelines.

Target Audience

Focusing on the critical first month for new members, we matched them into chat groups based on age, time zone, and weight loss goals to facilitate easier connections. Each group was limited to 25 members to create a sense of intimacy. We partnered with the Behavioral Science team to design a curriculum delivered through automated daily posts, offering tips, inspiration, and engaging prompts.


Onboarding Members to Chat

Recognizing that the first week can feel overwhelming for new members, we introduced chat on day three, giving them time to familiarize themselves with the app. I brainstormed with designers from the Onboarding and Gamification teams to devise ways to introduce chat effectively. We settled on a straightforward approach to get members into chat quickly, minimizing friction while acknowledging some trade-offs in comprehension.

Technical Constraints

Implementing auto-scroll logic to highlight daily posts required significant effort beyond our scope. To ensure members didn't miss these posts, I collaborated with the engineering lead to repurpose an announcement banner from our chat SDK as a container for daily content. I proposed that the pinned post hide as members scrolled up and reappear when scrolling down, reducing disruption to the chat experience.


In April 2023, we launched our first test with 19 chat groups encompassing 500 new members. Initially, there was enthusiasm—members introduced themselves and shared their goals. However, engagement dwindled, and by the third week, most groups had gone silent. Analytics revealed that 36% of members never accessed their group, indicating discoverability issues.

Member interviews uncovered key insights:

  • Unanswered Questions: Members had queries about the WW program that went unaddressed.

  • Lack of Opt-In: Being placed in groups without choosing to join made participation less appealing.

  • Overwhelm: Daily prompts felt like extra tasks amid their busy lives.

  • Seeking Guidance: New members had more questions than answers, making peer support challenging.

One member noted, "I don't have time to read about someone else weighing in today. I'm focused on my own journey."

To boost engagement, we introduced WW coaches as facilitators in a new test with six groups. However, this addition did not significantly improve participation.

Impact on the Company

While the experiment didn't achieve the desired engagement levels, it provided valuable insights into member behavior and preferences. Understanding why new members disengage allows WW to refine its strategies to reduce churn. Lowering churn directly impacts revenue by retaining subscription fees and increasing the lifetime value of customers.


  1. Optional Community Participation: Forcing community interaction isn't effective. Offering an opt-in for group chats empowers members to choose how they engage, enhancing their sense of control and satisfaction.

  2. Redefining Success Metrics: Engagement isn't one-dimensional. Some members benefit from active participation, while others prefer to observe. Future measures of success should consider various data points—like messages sent, time spent in-app, tracking activity, and weight loss progress—to form a comprehensive view.


This project reinforced the importance of aligning product features with user needs and preferences. By embracing iterative testing and cross-functional collaboration, I learned how to navigate technical constraints and shifting priorities without losing sight of the end goal. These experiences have not only made me a better designer but also provided WW with crucial insights to enhance member engagement and drive business growth.

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©2024 Ryan Wallace

©2024 Ryan Wallace