Revamping Bookmark's AI onboarding experience

Revamping Bookmark's AI onboarding experience

Revamping Bookmark's AI onboarding experience




2020 - 2022

2020 - 2022

2020 - 2022




Growth Design

Growth Design

Growth Design




Key Data Points:

  • Bounce Rate Reduction: Decreased from 75% to 30%, surpassing the initial goal of 45%.

  • Onboarding Streamlining: Simplified the onboarding process, reducing user drop-off by 60%.

  • User Trust Enhancement: Revamped first impressions, aligning design with marketing to boost user confidence.

  • Business Impact: Increased user retention and engagement, directly contributing to significant revenue growth.

  • Acquisition Outcome:'s improved onboarding led to its acquisition by a major payment processor shutting down the original website.

Revamping's Onboarding: From High Bounce Rates to Acquisition

When I stepped into the role of Lead Product Designer at, we faced a daunting challenge: a bounce rate hovering between 60% and 75%. Small business owners were flocking online due to the pandemic, desperately needing quick and easy website solutions. Yet, our platform was failing to meet their needs.

Challenges We Faced

Our users voiced their frustrations loud and clear:

  • "I've filled out business applications quicker than this."

  • "You promised I'd spend time running my business, not wrestling with my website!"

These comments highlighted a critical disconnect. Non-tech-savvy entrepreneurs needed a hassle-free experience, but our complicated onboarding was driving them away. Losing their trust at this crucial first step was costing us dearly.

The Solution I Developed

Understanding that user motivation, ability, and prompt triggers are key to activation, I led a series of targeted design iterations:

  1. Iteration 1 – Enhancing Explicit Prompts:

    • Introduced tooltips and clear instructions to guide users seamlessly.

    • Explained the necessity of each piece of information requested by the AI.

    • Added intuitive navigation buttons at the bottom of each page.

  2. Iteration 2 – Reducing Mental Load:

    • Simplified onboarding by eliminating non-essential questions.

    • Aimed to make the sign-up process as straightforward as possible.

  3. Iteration 3 – Improving First Impressions:

    • Aligned the onboarding design with our marketing visuals to build trust.

    • Focused on creating a cohesive and reassuring user experience from the get-go.

  4. Iteration 4 – Catering to User Preferences:

    • Highlighted options to use keyboard shortcuts or simple clicks throughout the process.

    • Allowed users to build their online store directly during onboarding.

    • Offered an option to skip the AI builder in favor of professional assistance.

Throughout these iterations, I prioritized asking the right questions to delve deep into user needs:

  • "What's your number one challenge when it comes to creating a website, and why?"

  • "How would an AI that automatically runs your website change your daily life?"

These insights were invaluable, enabling us to tailor solutions that genuinely resonated with our users.

Results That Benefited and Its Users

Our concerted efforts led to a remarkable reduction in the bounce rate to 30%, well below our target of 45%. Users found the platform intuitive and aligned with their expectations, allowing them to focus on running their businesses rather than grappling with technology.

(image of new onboarding screen)

Impact on Revenue Growth and Acquisition

The improvements didn't just enhance user satisfaction—they caught the eye of industry leaders. The increased user retention and engagement made an attractive acquisition target. Ultimately, a major payment processor acquired to integrate our streamlined onboarding and AI-driven website creation into their suite of services for small businesses. This acquisition not only validated our hard work but also amplified our impact by providing even more entrepreneurs with the tools they needed.

Takeaways That Made Me a Better Designer

This project was a transformative experience that reinforced the importance of:

  • Empathizing with Users: Truly understanding their pain points and aspirations.

  • Simplifying Complexity: Stripping away unnecessary barriers to enhance usability.

  • Strategic Iteration: Continuously refining solutions based on direct user feedback.

By focusing on the core elements that drive user behavior, I honed my ability to design solutions that are both user-centric and business-savvy. This experience not only contributed to a successful acquisition but also solidified my approach to creating impactful, growth-driven designs.

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©2024 Ryan Wallace

©2024 Ryan Wallace

©2024 Ryan Wallace